Friday, March 20, 2009

Old Age is drawing closer...

I received a photo via email the other day. It was an ultrasound image of a new baby - our first great-grandchild. Can you believe it?? I know I am having a hard time with that reality. I am way too young to be a great-grandmother, I am not yet 59 years old, but there it is in all its magnificence ... a baby. What a blessing.

It sure causes one to wonder where the time goes. Those days roll into months and then years, as if in the blinking of an eye and one day it will be over, snuffed out like a candle.

What legacy will I be leaving behind? It certainly makes me think.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is on its way

Wow.. its March 1.. where oh where has the time gone. Two months have slipped by since I was last here. Life has been a little busy .. a little lazy .. and a little just right. Needless to say I did not find the time to be out here. I will try harder to keep this blog updated.

I am attending a Bible study at Faith E.. a video series on Esther by Beth Moore. I am really enjoying it. She has some good insight into a lot of topics. For instance.. fear... the most repeated command in the Bible is "do not be afraid" .... We have no reason to be fearful... think of the most horrific thing that could happen... If (blank) .. then (blank).... what if this happened.. then what... whatever you think your then statement would be... cross it out and put .."God will provide.. or God will take care of me.." We have no reason to fear even death.. because as Christians we were already dead until we accepted Jesus as our Savior... then we became alive in Him.

Well we had a dump of snow the other day.. but it is slowly disappearing. Spring is just around the corner.. I am sure of it and I am READY ... bring it on.