Monday, June 1, 2009

Where has the time gone?

June 1 ... the year is almost half over already. The days do slip by. Started my planting this year. The older I get the more I love perrenials. Enough of this planting each year... plant it once and be done, I say. Dennis has the lawn looking great; nicely trimmed and well watered. We have started feeding the birds this year so we are attracting a few different species: house finches, goldfinches, yellow-headed black birds, and a pair of tree swallows have been scouting out the birdhouse. Do wish we had humming birds here in Billings? I love to watch them, but apparently they are few and far between in the area.

A couple of weeks ago, Dennis and I took a trip to Great Falls, MT and went for a drive through the wildlife refuge at Benton Lake. We spotted a white face ibis.. an uncommon (but not rare) bird in Montana. It is amazing how many different types of birds or ducks you see when you go out looking... all shapes and sizes.. and colors.

Well will try to be more on top of things and keep my blog up-to-date.